Post a comment about the article you read about minerals in sports.
Select an article. Read it. Answers the following questions:
a. sport or topic
b. 4+ interesting facts
c. Minerals related to the topic and how they are related.
The various articles are listed below.
Clay Courts
Bicycle Frames
Pogo Sticks
Clay is put into baseball/softball fields and in the bullpens. If clay did nit have time to harden it would not be good playing conditions. The clay is under the grass and sand at many fields. Harmaden is a example of a clay field.
Pogo Sticks...
They were invented by George B. Hansburg in Germany in 1919. They were originally made of wood. 1947 Hansburg made a steel version. In 2001 an American company made a air-powered pogo stick.
Steel is one of the worlds most inexpensive metals used to make pogo sticks. Eventually show girls performed on pogo sticks. Together iron and steel compose the most pogo sticks in the usa.The pogo sticks became wildly popular is the usa.
a. Pogo stick
b. 1) pogo sticks were most popular in the 1920's
2) pogo sticks were originally made of wood
3) some pogo sticks are made of aluminum
4) pogo sticks were invented in Germany
c. Minerals make up the materials that are used to make pogo sticks
pogo stick
made in 1919.
by George B. Hansberg.
orginaly made of wood.
wood wasn't favorible because it reacted with the hot humid weather when shipped over seas and was then unselable and made them out of steel.
Iron and carbon were used to make steel.
A) Golf
B)Balls used to be made out of leather and feathers, balls are now plastic resadues, club heads used to be wood, now they are lager to make balls fly higher
C)Clubs are now made of diffrent minirals such as graphite, Titamium, Berriulium, Copper, Aluminum, and steel
Measurment of stiffness is modulus of elasticity
Elongation meansures how far a material can be streatched before breakng
Tensile strength varies with the type of alloy used and how the tube is made
tough metal is more ductile & deforms before breaking
Measurment of stiffness is modulus of elasticity
Elongation meansures how far a material can be streatched before breakng
Tensile strength varies with the type of alloy used and how the tube is made
tough metal is more ductile & deforms before breaking
Pogo stick is a stilt with pedals and a spring at the end. Some pogo sticks are out of steal witch is an inexpensive metal. There is an air powered pogo stick made from aluminum. The pogo stick was created in 1919 by George b Hans burg and were original made from wood. Pogo sticks are related to rocks because they are both made of minerals.
Pogo stick
Originally made in wood
Steel version came out later
Steel is an inexpensive material
New company came out with aluminum
Iron and steel in the pogo stick.
a.) Pogo Stick
b.) 1.Pogo Sticks were orginally made of wood. 2. Pogo Sticks have an enclosed spring. 3. Broadway shows featured dance numbers on Pogo Sticks. 4. Pogo sticks were used as shock absorbing legs for robots.
c.) Iron, mixed with carbon, makes steel for the Pogo Stick material.
I leArned that golf clubs are made from mainly titanium ans that we are experimenting with other alloys to make golf culbs mor flexible, and stronger. Befoe now most golf clubs were made from wood and had metal drivers. The metal they use was not a durable one so they often broke.
Clay Courts
1.lots of sports feilds are mad out of clay compost.
2.clay by itself isnt an ideal surface.
3.calcined clay is clay that has been heated in a furnace
at about 2,000ยบ
4.When first introduced, this clay/sand/silt mixture represented a vast improvement over the older solid clay surface used on playing fields.
Because, clay is a minural.
We picked POGO STICKS. Our 4 interesting facts is 1. They were originally made in 1919 2. They used pogo sticks in dance performances 3. They used pogo sticks as legs for robots 4. They were originally made of wood
Minerals are related to this topic in this way: minerals made up steel and wood
Balls ar now made out of leather and feathers, balls are now plastic resadues, clubs used to be just all wood, But now they are lager to make balls fly higher
and accurate.
We picked POGO STICKS. Our 4 interesting facts is 1. They were originally made in 1919 2. They used pogo sticks in dance performances 3. They used pogo sticks as legs for robots 4. They were originally made of wood
Minerals are related to this topic in this way: minerals made up steel and wood
We picked POGO STICKS. Our 4 interesting facts is 1. They were originally made in 1919 2. They used pogo sticks in dance performances 3. They used pogo sticks as legs for robots 4. They were originally made of wood
Minerals are related to this topic in this way: minerals made up steel and wood
They use titanium and aluminum in bike frames for strengthe a d flexability
Pogo Sticks.
They were invented in 1919 by George B. Hansburg. He made them out of steel later on. 2001 an American company made them out of Aluminum. The Soviet and American researchers hoped they could be modified to explore the moon.
The mineral they used is aluminum in pogo sticks.
The difference between rocks and minerals is that rocks are made of different minerals,minerals are a nonliving material and is a compound made of two or more elements chemically combinde,rocks are made of magma and other rocks joined by heat and pressure
1. Pogo stick
2. a. The first pogo stick was made out of wood.
b. they used different types of metals to make the pogo sticks.
c. Very popular in the 1920s.
3. Minerals were made mainly to change the bounce of the pogo stick.
Pogo Stick
Pogo sticks were originally made out of wood. They were first made in 1919. Pogo sticks are used as shock absorbers on robots. Pogo sticks may be used to help explore the moon.
Pogo sticks are made out of steel and aluminum.
in 1919 gearge B. Hansburg invented the pogo stick. Hansburg made a steel pogo stick in 1947, he original pogo stick was made out of wood. then in america in 2001 they made a air-powered stick. which was much diffrent then georges pogo stick in germany.
pogo sticks
The pogo stick was invented by George B. Hansburg in 1919.
They were originally made of steel.
Pogo sticks then were made out of aluminum.
Modified versions called hopping machines, were used to hop around the moon.
Pogo sticks are made of steel.
A)Clay Courts
B)1)Clay courts aren't made of just clay!
2) Clay becomes super hard and cracken when heated up.
3)clay doesn't burn up at 2,000*F! 4)Kitty litter is made of clay!
c)The minerals clay, sand, and silt were used in the mixture for the clay courts
POGo stick
b. 1) pogo sticks were most popular in the 1920's
2) pogo sticks were originally made of wood
3) some pogo sticks are made of aluminum
4) pogo sticks were originally invented in Germany
c. Minerals make up the materials that are used to make pogo sticks
1. topic: Pogo Stick
2.interesting facts:
*steel pogo sticks were invented in 1919
*Alunimuin is found in the earth crust
*steel is made up of 95% iron and 5% carbon and weighs 2/3 more then alunimuin.
*orginally made out of wood.
3. mineral Silicon used in steel
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