Monday, November 14, 2011

IV-F Rocky was a grain of sand.....

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Jackson McCormick said...

He would be eroded very fast and end up in a sand pit or end up on a beach. That is how rocky would end up.

Noah A said...

he would get erodied very easily and end up on a beach.

Nixon HIlton and Kandis Tschetter said...

Rocky Will eventualy erode and end up in the gravil and possibly go in the ocean and beaches

Kristina Moshofsky said...

He would be washed away and forced to bond with other grains of sand to make a sedimentary rock.

Jenna f said...

He would be eroded and end up in a beach or sand pit.

Lauren T & Josie J said...

Rocky eroded from igneous rock and he was pressed down with other grains of sand in layers to become sedimentary rock. Then he was forced down even more (ouch) by pressure and heat to form metamorphic rock. And then he completely melted into magma deep within the earth's crust. Next he was lifted higher through the earth's crust, cooled and solidified into igneous rock. And the cycle started all over again. This is the life of Rocky the rock.

Mary and Alli said...

Rocky started out as a peaceful rock, sitting near a river and minding his own business when some jerk of a boy picks him up and tosses him in th river. The current screamed in his ears, "wooshy wooshy wOosh!" Rocky started to be really uberly depressed cause it was cold and loud, and slowly he started to weather away until he was nothing but a grand of sand and carried out to the ocean. There he laid at the bottom, so close to shore and slowly he was washed up on the beach. Remember that mean boy that tossed him into the water?? Well his great great great great great great great great great grandson came over and used rocky to build a sandcastle, and life was good. The end.

Kyle and Molly said...

Rocky was a grain of sand, he got shoved against his fellow sand mates for thousands of years and thus becoming a beautiful striped sedimentary rock. Later, Rocky was hangin' out when KABOOOM! There was an earthquake and he got pushed down to the bottom of the crust and into the earths core. He was then a metamorphic rock because he was super hot and uptight and stressed. Rock was one of the hottest rocks down there so he melted into magma and moved to a volcano and exploded with his fellow igneous rocks and hardened when he got back on land, he settled down and is now happily doing absolutely nothing.

Jesseca m said...

There once was a rock named Rocky.
He fell in some boy's sock-y.
It hurt the boy, so he dumped Rocky in the river.
It was so cold, it made Rocky shiver.
He got thrown around.
He hit the ground.
And broke into a thousand peices.
Called sand.

cole said...

He would be eroded away after a long period of time.

Marissa and Kate said...

Rocky eroded from igneous rock and he was pressed down with other grains of sand in layers to become sedimentary rock. Then he was forced down even more by pressure and heat to form metamorphic rock. Then he completely melted into magma, sitting deep within the earth. Next he was lifted to lay with the igneous rock and became a solid. And the cycle started all over again.Thats Rocky the rocks story.

steven diaconu said...

I started out as magma cooling, then I washed away by water and carried to a bigger body of water. Then I was cemented into a sedemtery rock. And then I was packed down near a mamga chamber and changed into metamorphic rock because of the extreme heat and pressure. And then I turned into magma then the volcano erupted and then the lava cooled into a igneous

Anna A. said...

rocky would have went though tough stuff like weathering would break him down into tiny peices. Then erosion would carry him to the ocean and make deposition happen!

Jordan Beck said...
