Monday, December 12, 2011

II C Orbital Motion Kepler's Law Gizmo Info

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Password science

Will not work on a iPad or iTouch. Need to use a computer

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

IIE Minerals Blog Response

Respond to the following questions:

4 things a mineral must be.

a. b.

c. d.

2 Groups of Minerals

a. b.

1 Tough Concept


Monday, November 28, 2011

IB Minerals in Sports

Post a comment about the article you read about minerals in sports.
Select an article. Read it. Answers the following questions:
a. sport or topic

b. 4+ interesting facts

c. Minerals related to the topic and how they are related.

The various articles are listed below.
Clay Courts
Bicycle Frames
Pogo Sticks

IA Explain the difference between a rock and a mineral.

Monday, November 14, 2011

IV-G Rock Cycle Web Sites for Review

IV-F Rocky was a grain of sand.....

Add your story here. Post it in a comment.

I-E Rock Cycle Prezi

III-B Geology of the Black Hills Blog Response


1. Write a summary of how the Black Hills formed. What are the events that led to their formations?

2. Would the Badlands exist if weathering/erosion had not taken place? Why? or Why not?

3. The major uplift of the Black Hills occurred 70 million years ago. What do you think that area of the South Dakota looked like 40 million years ago?

4. What do you think the Black Hills and Badlands will look like in another 40 million years

Friday, October 21, 2011

Flame Test Retake Video

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chemistry 3 I A Elements Compounds and Mixtures

What Do you already know about elments, compounds and mixtures? Write down at least three things that you know or have seen related to elements, compounds and mixtures..

Monday, September 26, 2011

I-I Blog Response Defining Atom

Answer the following question:
An atom is the smallest particle into which an atom can be divided and still be that element. Now that scientists have learned that an atom is made up of even smaller particles, is this definition still accurate?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mastery Learning

How do you think you will benefit from Mastery Learning this year in Science?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Welcome Back Mustangs

I am looking forward to an exciting year in 8th Grade Science at Memorial Middle School this year. We have a lot of great new exciting innovations to experiment with. The Fighting Stallions are a symbol of our freedom, spirit and determination in all we do and accomplish.